Identify and discuss the link (relationship) between the health and productivity of the employees.You are required to do TWO (2) assignments. These assignments should be completed individually.
The purpose of this assignment is to enhance learners’ ability:
To conduct an interview with Human Resource Manager on an issue related to HRM;
To report the findings of the interview and make recommendations;
To write a review of ONE (1) journal article related to any issue on diversity at workplace.
You are required to do TWO (2) assignments. These assignments should be completed individually.
Assignment 1 (60%)
Assume that you are being employed as a consultant by a company. The company is being accused of not having a solid strategy to keep its employees healthy and engaged.
Your task as the consultant is to find out through interview session/s with the human resource manager/director, the reasons for such divergence in perspectives and suggest some remedial actions.
You are required to hand in a written report on your findings and recommendations. Use double space and 12-point of Times New Roman font. This assignment should contain about 2000-2500 words (7-10 pages).
In the preparation of your report, you are advised to take into consideration the following:
Brief description of the organization. Provide clear and relevant information on the background of the organisation. Do not disclose the name of the organization unless you have obtained permission from the management.
Identify and discuss the link (relationship) between the health and productivity of the employees.
Iidentify and evaluate the reasons for the divergence.
Suggest recommendations based on the findings and suggest some remedial actions.
(Total : 60)
Assignment 2 (40%)
Select one article.
Select an article from a refereed journal pertaining to ‘diversity in workplace’. The article to be reviewed must have been published within the past 5 years. You are to submit your chosen article along with this assignment.
(“Refereed” means that the article has been formally reviewed by a group of peer researchers.)
Write a Review
Write a review of the article according to the following format:
State the Objectives, Article Domain and Audience. You may adopt the following sample: