Discuss the importance of EHR and health information exchange in health care.Information on federal initiatives and laws that have helped in the progression toward health information exchange.

Discuss the importance of EHR and health information exchange in health care.Information on federal initiatives and laws that have helped in the progression toward health information exchange.
Importance of EHR and health information exchange in health care
 EHR implementation highlighting past
 EHR implementation highlighting present
 EHR implementation highlighting future
 Information on federal initiatives and laws that have helped in the progression toward health information exchange.
5 slides to each topic (you will likely need more for several of the topics). Your presentation must have at least 36 slides.

Create an informational tool that you will hand to a legislator about the pros of your selected policy to convey a recommended course of legislative action to change a public policy that contributes to the greater good of health care.

Create an informational tool that you will hand to a legislator about the pros of your selected policy to convey a recommended course of legislative action to change a public policy that contributes to the greater good of health care.
Resource: Policy Process Proposal assignment from Week Two
Imagine you feel it is important to meet with your legislator to obtain his/her support on your policy so it can be presented for approval. Your legislator has little time and needs a brief, concise overview of what the policy entails and why he/she should support its passage.
Create an informational tool that you will hand to a legislator about the pros of your selected policy to convey a recommended course of legislative action to change a public policy that contributes to the greater good of health care.
Some examples of such tools might include:
Word cloud
Be creative!
Be sure to keep the following in mind:
You are convincing your legislator of the validity and necessity of your policy proposal.
When you are providing your legislator with your information tool, be aware of the impact that special interest groups and other politics will have on the legislator’s decision. These factors will have an impact on the way your proposal is received by the legislator.
Consider the relationship of government to the creation of policy and describe how your legislator’s support will help the creation of the policy for which you are lobbying in your resource.

Explore substantive differences between the accreditation standards embraced by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the Joint Commission International (JCI). HA6510 LP3 ASSIGNMENT:

Explore substantive differences between the accreditation standards embraced by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the Joint Commission International (JCI).
LP3 Assignment
LP3 Assignment: NGOs, Nonprofits, JCAHO and JCI
This assignment will assess the following competencies:
3. Explore substantive differences between the accreditation standards embraced by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the Joint Commission International (JCI).
4. Evaluate international nonprofit and non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) that identify, educate, and intervene in global health care.
Directions: Select and research a non-profit or a non-governmental organization that provides international health assistance. In a 1250-1500 word paper (words included on the title page and reference section do not count towards this length requirement), address the following:
• Identify the sponsor of the agency
• Evaluate the services the agency provides
• Discuss the countries this organization has served and the impact this organization has had on the health of the citizens of these countries
• Explore how organizations such as the one you selected intervene in global health concerns such as epidemics or natural disasters.
• Discuss how the JCAHO and JCI might impact the actions of these agencies
Criteria for this paper:
• The paper must be written and properly cited in APA style
• The paper must include at least three peer-reviewed sources; the text is not a peer reviewed source.
Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox LP3 Assignment: NGOs, Nonprofits, JCAHO and JCI. This assignment is worth 100 points; grading will be based on the General Writing Rubric, located under Course Information.
LP3 Assignment
LP3 Assignment: Milestone 3: Communications, Negotiations and Strategy Formation
This assignment will assess competencies 3. Develop effective cross-cultural communications and negotiation skills to be used in a multinational setting and 4. Develop strategy formulation and implementation for management in multicultural organizations.
We will continue to work on the due diligence analyses of the three countries chosen in LP1. For each of your chosen countries, you will write up an analysis of the impact of communications and negotiations with the U.S. while doing business. Your analysis will be based on chapters 7 and 8 of your text, and information from websites and other research. You should also address the strategy you would chose to enter each country and explain your rationale. Also discuss any areas of concern you may encounter with your business dealings with each of your countries. You will follow APA (6the edition) formatting (no abstract is required for this milestone) with title and reference pages, indented paragraphs and a minimum of four APA formatted references and associated in-text citations. This information, and that of the following LPs, will become part of your final project artifact.
Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox LP3 Assignment: Title: Milestone 3: Communications, Negotiations and Strategy Formation. This assignment is worth 100 points and will be graded according to the LP3 Assignment: Milestone 3 rubric.

Discuss 3 current trends and directions for health care delivery in the United States and the role that managed care has in shaping those 3 trends.

Discuss 3 current trends and directions for health care delivery in the United States and the role that managed care has in shaping those 3 trends.
Discussion Board area, write 500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Discuss 3 current trends and directions for health care delivery in the United States and the role that managed care has in shaping those 3 trends.
Besides managed care, what other forces have influenced these trends and directions?
Are these trends and directions moving health care delivery in a positive direction? Explain your response.

Discuss five different healthcare statistics routinely collected within a management system and how they can be used to improve healthcare at for an individual provider or on a larger level.

Discuss five different healthcare statistics routinely collected within a management system and how they can be used to improve healthcare at for an individual provider or on a larger level.
In 2-3 pages, discuss five different healthcare statistics routinely collected within a management system and how they can be used to improve healthcare at for an individual provider or on a larger level.

What is the difference between a group “at risk” for Poor Health and a group considered a “vulnerable” Population?

What is the difference between a group “at risk” for Poor Health and a group considered a “vulnerable” Population?
What is the difference between a group “at risk” for Poor Health and a group considered a “vulnerable” Population?
Provide an example of a Group at Risk and a group considered a Vulnerable Population.
Explain Why members of these groups cannot advocate for themselves or Why advocating for these groups would be beneficial.
What would you advocate for?

Write a paper that identifies one innovation that has influenced the health care industry.Identify one innovation that has been developed in the last 20 years that has influenced the health care industry, such as:

Write a paper that identifies one innovation that has influenced the health care industry.Identify one innovation that has been developed in the last 20 years that has influenced the health care industry, such as:
Identify one innovation that has been developed in the last 20 years that has influenced the health care industry, such as:
Organ transplants
Electronic Health Records (EHR)
Quick and easy access to health care information (reliable and not-so-reliable) via the internet, mobile apps, social media, etc.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that discusses the following:
Identifies one innovation that has influenced the health care industry.
Discuss and explain how clinical research has influenced the innovation that you chose:
What reserach has been done and what does it show about the innovation?
What type of research is needed in the future?
Compare and describe the external factors that influence research on the health care innovation that you chose, for example: stakeholders, funding sources, needs of the patient population.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, references to support your paper.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Define health information governance.Discuss the major components of health information governance and its importance on health care organization information systems.

Define health information governance.Discuss the major components of health information governance and its importance on health care organization information systems.
Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central)
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
As the manager of the CTU Health Care information systems department, complete the following:
Define health information governance.
Discuss the major components of health information governance and its importance on health care organization information systems.
Discuss the importance of communication and information governance.