How can a psychologist/mental health professional develop a mutually beneficial agreement for a juvenile offender and parents or guardians? Question 1

How can a psychologist/mental health professional develop a mutually beneficial agreement for a juvenile offender and parents or guardians?
Question 1
Dependent on the jurisdiction some juvenile criminal records may be sealed or expunged with relative ease. Considering that some juvenile offenses can be particularly egregious should juveniles be able to seal or expunge their records. What should be the limits of their ability to seal or expunge records?
Question 2
The psychologist/mental health professional must sometimes walk a fine line between the best interests of a juvenile offender and the desires of his or her parent or guardian. How can a psychologist/mental health professional develop a mutually beneficial agreement for a juvenile offender and parents or guardians? What pitfalls might exist for a psychologist/mental health professional placed into such a situation?

Describe what you think is the most pertinent health policy issue with the potential to transform the way health care is delivered.

Describe what you think is the most pertinent health policy issue with the potential to transform the way health care is delivered.
Describe what you think is the most pertinent health policy issue with the potential to transform the way health care is delivered.
Provide a rationale for implementation of a policy brief from a legal, ethical, and operational perspective.
Be specific and provide examples.

What are the critical issues today regarding the health workforce–training, hiring, paying, and building?

What are the critical issues today regarding the health workforce–training, hiring, paying, and building?
1. What does the McAllen example demonstrate about the delivery of health care–motives, financing, HCO ownership, the practice of medicine and how different HCOs operate? How could these systems be improved upon?
2. What are the critical issues today regarding the health workforce–training, hiring, paying, and building? And, how are these handled by HCOs and insurers?

Apply appropriate management principles to best utilize available resources within a healthcare organization or system. : Apply appropriate management principles to best utilize available resources within a healthcare organization or system.

Apply appropriate management principles to best utilize available resources within a healthcare organization or system.
: Apply appropriate management principles to best utilize available resources within a healthcare organization or system.
Instructions: Your boss, the Director of Community Relations at a large health organization, has asked you to fill in for him while he is on vacation and to host a meeting of community leaders. The goal of the meeting is to consider ways to disseminate important community health bulletins. Many cultures are represented at the meeting and there is a discussion about how to meet the language needs of more than 20 different languages spoken in your organization’s service area. The meeting becomes tense when you must announce that your organization is only prepared to disseminate material in English and Spanish.
Prepare a one page memo for your boss briefly summarizing how you concluded the meeting. More importantly, recommend to your boss a course of action for your organization moving forward. Be sure to fully support your recommendations.

Analyze laws related to health and safety arrangements in the workplace. Assignment 1: Discussion—Workplace Safety

Analyze laws related to health and safety arrangements in the workplace.
Assignment 1: Discussion—Workplace Safety
Whether the workplace is a construction site, a factory, or an office, it has its own inherent risks, which should be identified and controlled. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations are designed to help employers protect their employees and help employees hold their employers accountable for work conditions.
Workers’ compensation insurance includes and supports employee health, ensuring that employees get appropriate healthcare if an accident occurs at the workplace. Employers are not obligated to provide workers’ compensation coverage but can be held financially responsible in the event of injury or death. Employers who choose not to carry workers’ compensation can be sued for lost wages and medical care by an injured employee. Workers’ compensation laws vary by state.
In this assignment, you will analyze laws related to health and safety arrangements in the workplace.
Look around your work environment or select one to observe. Identify at least two health or safety risks to the employees. The risks may be physical (such as improperly stacked boxes) or environmental (such as mold in air ducts).
In 3–5 paragraphs, analyze the risks identified. Answer the following questions:
Which sections of OSHA regulations are being violated?
What are the possible methods of resolving such issues?
Does the employer carry workers’ compensation in the event of an injury, illness, or death? What workers’ compensation laws is the employer subject to in your state?

Select a health care environment or delivery system and explore the issues related to that particular environment

Select a health care environment or delivery system and explore the issues related to that particular environment
Select a health care environment or delivery system and explores the issues related to that particular environment (military, long-term care, acute care systems, etc.). Introduce the organization/facility selected, the accreditation status, and the average daily census, services provided, the community it serves. How does this organization fit into the US health system? How does health policy impact this facility? Explain the facility’s governance, finances, and reimbursement methods. What are the challenges faced by the facility due to new trends/policies? Explain how the Affordable Care Act impacts the organization/facility.
This paper needs to follow APA guidelines, double-spaced and includes headings and should be 8-12 pages (not including the title page and reference page). A minimum of eight current (less than five years) references from peer-reviewed journals are required.

Determine the main features and capabilities of patient care applications, management and enterprise systems, e-Health applications, and strategic decision-support applications within the health care setting.

Determine the main features and capabilities of patient care applications, management and enterprise systems, e-Health applications, and strategic decision-support applications within the health care setting.
Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” video in the Student Center.
Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.
Assignment 2: IM / IT Analysis
Due Week 7 and worth 280 points
Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:
Determine, within the health care setting, the main features, capabilities, and operational benefits to a health care organization using the following:
patient care applications
management and enterprise systems
e-Health applications
strategic decision-support applications
Provide specific examples of each.
Assume that you are a senior health service administrator responsible for the health information systems within your organization, and create an argument to be presented to the leaders with the organization that a strategic plan is essential for the IM / IT. Indicate the most significant elements that the administrator should address in the plan. Provide support for the rationale.
Assess the importance of a systems development life cycle as it pertains to both the development of a custom application, coupled with the selection of proprietary systems. Provide an example to support the response.
Recommend the key element necessary to ensure secure access to health care and patient information within a health care management electronic system. Provide support for the recommendation.
Make at least two (2) recommendations for improving the application of systems theory to health care IM / IT governance and planning. Provide specific examples to support the response.
Use at least four (4) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are

Write a letter to the policymaker that focuses on your support or opposition to a health care policy issue you select. Part 4: Letter to a Policymaker

Write a letter to the policymaker that focuses on your support or opposition to a health care policy issue you select.
Part 4: Letter to a Policymaker
The last component, Part 4, of your Final Project is to write a letter to the policymaker that focuses on your support or opposition to a health care policy issue you select. Your letter should be written in a respectful tone and focus on the evidence supporting your position, rather than merely expressing your personal thoughts and opinions. You should provide evidence from the peer-reviewed literature to support your position and utilize information from Components 2 and 3. Refer back to your work in Parts 1, 2 and 3 to make a compelling argument in your letter. Be sure to include your chosen elected official’s actual address and use the correct salutation that is used for your elected official’s position. Label your letter as Part 4: Appendix A and add it as the fourth and final part of your cumulative course project assignment.
Note: In grading the Final Project, your Instructor uses a Final Project Rubric. Review the rubric prior to completing your Project Component.
Document: Final Project Component 4 Rubric (Word document)
All rubrics can also be found in the Course Information area in the course navigation menu.
The Assignment (2–3 pages)
You will submit your Part 4 Final Project as Part 4: Appendix A and add it to your cumulative assignment document. Your instructor will grade only Part 4 for this week but all four parts must be submitted as one unified file in APA format.
Note: If you received an email confirmation from the policymaker, indicating that your letter was accepted, you may submit that as well.